“Serving those who serve in government”

MSPB Discipline & Removal: Atlanta Federal Employees

We Fight For Federal Employees In Georgia
Facing Termination, Demotion Or Suspension

If you work for a federal agency, you may have 10, 20 or more years invested in your career. If management comes to view you as a problem or a threat, your years of loyal service and your due process rights don’t mean a thing to them. They know how to play the game to have you terminated or to make your continued employment miserable.

The Devadoss Law Firm, P.L.L.C., stands between you and a federal employer seeking your discipline or removal. We understand that disciplinary actions can have a devastating impact on your federal government career and your retirement benefits. Our practice is limited to federal employment law where we represent federal employees exclusively, and we know how to level the playing field in adversarial proceedings.

From our regional office in Atlanta, we represent federal employees who work in Sandy Springs, Roswell, Marietta, Alpharetta and the Metro Atlanta region, as well as federal government workers in Augusta, Columbus, Athens, Savannah or anywhere in Georgia. Call 888-351-0424 or e-mail us to arrange your free consultation.

MSPB Discipline And Removal Attorney · Representing Federal Employees In Atlanta And Statewide Georgia

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 established specific rights for federal employees and established the Merit Systems Protection Board to protect federal employees from retaliation, discrimination and arbitrary employment actions. Namely, the MSPB hears appeals of discipline and removal and has the power to rescind those actions and make the employee whole through reinstatement, monetary damages or other remedies.

The Devadoss Law Firm, P.L.L.C., represents federal employees in all facets of:

Discipline can refer to suspension, demotion (reduction in grade), reprimand or other punitive sanctions. Removal refers to termination from employment. Any disciplinary action can affect salary and benefits, advancement and future employment prospects in or out of the federal sector.

Bobby Devadoss brings a key advantage to federal employees facing disciplinary actions. He formerly worked as a federal attorney, counseling management on employment and labor issues such as how to terminate or suspend employees. He uses that experience to turn the tables on agency officials who are abusing their authority and violating the federal merit system principles.

We Understand What Is At Stake And What Management Is Doing

Long before you were notified of your pending discipline or removal, agency officials were carefully setting the trap and walking you into it. They communicate across departments and across agencies to gather any information that can be used against you. Investigators’ questions were intentionally chosen to make you admit to something negative or to contradict other testimony.

Trial lawyer Bobby Devadoss is skilled at “pulling back the curtain” to reveal that there is no substance to the performance or misconduct pretext for your suspension, reduction or discharge. He can step in at any point of the process and help you to hold your employer accountable and protect and resurrect your federal government career.

Free Consultation For Federal Employees In Georgia

If you facing being suspended, demoted or fired from your federal job, contact The Devadoss Law Firm, P.L.L.C., without further delay. To arrange a free consultation with employment attorney Bobby Devadoss, please e-mail us or call us toll free at 888-351-0424. With offices in Dallas, Atlanta and Washington, DC, we handle federal employment matters nationwide.