“Serving those who serve in government”

MSPB Lawyer Serving California Federal Employees

Protecting the Employment Rights of Federal Employees

Federal employees enjoy strong protections against unfair treatment in the workplace. If you feel that you have been demoted, disciplined or terminated unfairly, you may have legal options.

The Devadoss Law Firm, P.L.L.C., is a nationwide law firm that focuses on employment issues affecting federal employers, including Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) investigations, hearings and appeals. We represent federal employees across the state of California, including Sacramento, the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles and San Diego. To arrange a free consultation, call us today at 888-351-0424 or toll free at 888-351-0424.

Merit Systems Protection Board Attorneys Serving California

The MSPB is an independent agency created by the executive branch of the U.S. government to protect the rights of federal employees from improper employer actions. MSPB cases are different from those handled by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in that they do not involve allegations of discrimination.

Representation at Any Stage of Your Case

If you think you may be a victim of unfair treatment in the workplace, we encourage you to retain us as soon as possible. We can represent you at any stage of your case, from the investigation, to hearing and appeals.

Your employer will have lawyers protecting its interests. It only makes sense to retain an attorney to protect your interests. If our lawyers are successful, we will request that you be reimbursed for your attorney’s fees, back pay and other costs your agency would normally have covered.

MSPB Attorneys Serving San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area

We offer free case evaluations, and our fee structures are designed to meet your needs. To discuss your case with an experienced MSPB lawyer with no charge or obligation, call us at 888-351-0424 or toll free at 888-351-0424. Our main office is in Dallas, and we serve federal employees nationwide. You will not be required to travel.