“Serving those who serve in government”

To ensure that the workplace is a safe and respectful place for all federal employees, workplace protections are essential to ensuring that they are treated fairly and provided with a safe and respectful working environment. There are several laws protecting federal employees, including:

Protection from discrimination

The federal government protects its employees from discrimination in the workplace based on race, gender, age, religion, and disability by the federal government.

Employees can turn to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) if they feel their employer discriminates against them based on race, gender, or national origin.

Whistleblower protections

The federal government also has an anti-retaliation policy to protect employees from retaliation if they report fraud, waste, or abuse of power within their agency. Their agency cannot fire, demote, or harass them for reporting wrongdoing.

Family and medical leave

Federal government employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid annual leave for medical and family reasons. There are several reasons why an employee might be unable to work, including the birth of a child, taking care of a family member who has a severe health condition, or the employee himself or herself being seriously ill.

The safety and health of workers in the workplace

Federal agencies are responsible for providing employees with a safe and healthy work environment, including training on workplace hazards, protective equipment as necessary and reporting and investigating workplace accidents and injuries.

Other protections

In addition to the above, the federal government provides its employees with a wide range of other benefits. Employees must be aware of their rights and speak up for them.

Consider the case of an employee being discriminated against or harassed at work because of their ethnicity, and their agency has taken adverse or corrective action against them unfairly or inappropriately.

If this occurs, the government protects the employee under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Employment Act, anti-discrimination laws for government workers, and laws against workplace harassment in the public sector.

The employee can appeal the corrective action with the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which will evaluate the case and make a decision.

Federal employees enjoy a variety of protections under the law, including many of the protections described above and more.

It is important for federal employees to understand that they do not have to hide misconduct if they see it but rather speak up if they believe that their agency is engaging in wrongdoing.




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